We have a positive attitude and are open to improvements and new opportunities. We encourage each other to ask questions and be ambitious. To make progress, we take new initiatives and we are not afraid to make mistakes and learn from them.

A deal is a deal: we do what we say, and we say what we do, whether we deal with colleagues, customers or other stakeholders of the ROTO Ecosystem. We work together openly and honestly and challenge each other. We contribute positively to the implementations of decisions taken and help to solve problems and create new opportunities.

We always put our best foot forward. When working with passion and enthusiasm, work becomes much more enjoyable and inspiring. We also encourage each other to be eager to learn and to focus on innovation and development. By daring to dream, we can push boundaries.

We are loyal and committed to the business. We are helpful and take care of each other, but we are also critical and demanding of one another. We are always willing to give more where necessary and committed to achieving our sustainability objectives.