Providing a safe work environment where all our Family members feel safe to be who they are, is central to our ROTO Family. That is why building a safety culture that prevents accidents and condemns inappropriate behaviour in any form is our number one priority.
Our ambition is zero accidents, because we strongly believe that every accident is preventable. That is why safety and the working environment was a key focus area in the ROTO People Survey. We learned that on average 80% of our Family members felt the company cares about their health and safety, that their work environment is a safe place to work and that they feel they can talk to colleagues when they do not work safely. We also learned that safety regulations are not always followed, when this means the work will be delayed and that not all near misses, however small, are reported. To reach our goal of a safe workplace with zero accidents, we continue to focus on improving these scores.
To increase safety in production, in 2021 the forklifts have been equipped with laser marking and work clothes have been fitted with reflective inserts.
- Wojciech Pyrz, production worker Staco Polska -